K Nowak, A Barnett, I Matsuda (Eds). 2019. Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
In prep:
M McCaw, SA Richards, D Reid, K Nowak. Mountain goats in the southern Yukon exhibit distinct temporal peaks in night time movement as revealed by camera traps.
K Nowak, C Scheijen, A Fuller, A le Roux. Shade on a hot planet: A review of shade use by wildlife.
In review
K Nowak, SA Richards, M Żmihorski, N Selva, A Wiktoruk, B Jaroszewicz. Footprint of state border barrier construction extends beyond the border: Tree damage and roadkills along a forest road in Białowieża Forest, Poland. Wildlife Biology
K Nowak, D Bear, A Dutta, M Traphagen, M Żmihorski, B Jaroszewicz. Nations versus Nature: National security interests are upending conservation efforts. Conservation Biology
34. CT Callaghan et al. The benefits of contributing to the citizen science platform iNaturalist as an identifier. PLoS Biology 20(11):e3001843. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001843
33. S Mubareka, J Amuasi, A Banerjee, H Carabin, J Copper Jack, C Jardine, B Jaroszewicz, G Keefe, J Kotwa, S Kutz, D McGregor, A Mease, L Nicholson, K Nowak, B Pickering, M Reed, J Saint-Charles, K Simonienko, T Smith, S Weese, EJ Parmley. Strengthening A One Health Approach to Emerging Zoonoses. FACETS 8: 16-79. DOI: 10.1139/facets-2021-0190
32. N Cordeiro, F Rovero, M Msuha, K Nowak, T Jones. Two ant-following bird species forage with four giant sengi Rhynchocyon species in East Africa. Biotropica
31. AS Bernstein et al. The costs and benefits of primary prevention of zoonotic pandemics. Science Advances
30. B Jaroszewicz, K Nowak, M Żmihorski. Poland's border wall threatens ancient forest. Science 374: 1063. (letter)
29. E McCullagh, F Bernardi, M Malta, K Nowak, A Marklein, K Van Horne, TL Clark, SJ Cheng, M Zaringhalam, LL Edwards. Assessing gage: an online tool for improving gender visibility in STEMM. FACETS
28. K Nowak, J Berger, A Panikowski, D Reid, A Jacob, G Newman, NE Young, JP Beckmann, SA Richards. Using community photography to investigate phenology: A case study of coat molt in the mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) with missing data. Ecology and Evolution 10: 13488-13499.
27. J Copper Jack, J Gonet, A Mease, K Nowak. Traditional Knowledge underlies One Health. Science 369: 1576. (letter)
26. A Dobson et al. Ecology and economics of pandemic prevention. Science 369: 379-381. (policy forum)
25. A le Roux, N Mathibane, K Nowak. Wild samango monkeys balance risk and opportunity to interact with novel objects in village gardens. International Journal of Primatology 40: 661-670.
24. K Nowak, PC Lee, J Marino, M Mkono, H Mumby, A Dobson, R Harvey, K Lindsay, D Lusseau, C Sillero-Zubiri, and 71 signatories. Trophy hunting: Bans create opening for change. Science 366: 434-435. (letter)
23. MTB Olsen, J Geldmann, M Harfoot, DP Tittensor, B Price, P Sinovas, K Nowak, NJ Sanders, ND Burgess. Thirty-six years of legal and illegal wildlife trade entering the USA. Oryx
22. EA McCullagh, K Nowak, A Pogoriler, JL Metcalf, M Zaringhalam, TJ Zelikova. Request a Woman Scientist: A database for diversifying the public face of science. PLOS Biology
21. N Sekar, W Clark, A Dobson, PCF Coelho, PM Hannam, R Hepworth, S Hsiang, P Kahumbu, PC Lee, K Lindsay, CL Pereira, SK Wasser, K Nowak. 2018. International ivory policy: building on evidence-driven consensus. Science 360: 276-277. (letter)
20. C Scheijen, SA Richards, J Smit, T Jones, K Nowak. 2018. Efficacy of beehive fences as barriers to African elephants: a case study in Tanzania. Oryx 53: 92-99.
19. J Smit, R Pozo, J Cusack, K Nowak, T Jones. 2017. Using camera-traps to study the demography and behavior of crop-using elephants in Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Oryx
18. K Wimberger, K Nowak, R Hill. 2017. Reliance on exotic plants by two groups of threatened samango monkeys, Cercopithecus albogularis labiatus, at their southern range limit. International Journal of Primatology 38: 151-171.
17. K Lindsay, M Chase, K Landen, K Nowak. 2017. The shared nature of Africa's elephants. Biological Conservation 215: 260-267.
16. K Nowak, K Wimberger, SA Richards, R Hill, A le Roux. 2016. Samango monkeys manage risk in a highly seasonal, human-modified landscape in Amathole Mountains, South Africa. International Journal of Primatology 38: 194-206.
15. K Nowak, SA Richards, A le Roux, R Hill. 2016. Influence of live-capture on the risk perceptions of habituated samango monkeys. Journal of Mammalogy 97: 1461-1468.
14. T David-Barrett, I Behncke Izquierdo, J Carney, K Nowak, J Launay, A Rotkirch. 2016. Life course similarities on social networking sites. Advances in Life Course Research 30: 84-89. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.alcr.2016.04.002
13. K Nowak, A le Roux, SA Richards, C Scheijen, R Hill. 2014. Human observers impact samango monkeys’ perceived landscape of fear. Behavioral Ecology 25: doi: 10.1093/beheco/aru110
12. K Nowak, PC Lee. 2013. Status of Zanzibar red colobus and Sykes' monkeys in two coastal forests in 2005. Primate Conservation 27: 65-73.
11. K Harchut, C Standley, A Dobson, B Klaassen, C Rambaud-Althaus, F Althaus, K Nowak. 2013. Over-diagnosis of malaria by microscopy in the Kilombero Valley, Southern Tanzania. Malaria Journal 12: 159.
10. T Davenport, K Nowak, A Perkin. 2013. Priority Primate Areas in Tanzania. Oryx 48: 39-51.
9. K Nowak. 2012. Mangrove and peat swamps: Refuge habitats for primates and felids. Folia Primatologica 83: 361-376.
8. N Reed, A Dobson, R Baldwin, P Beier, CR Davis, DA Dellasala, J Francis, H Locke, K Nowak, R Lopez, C Reining, SC Trombulak, G Tabor. 2012. Bolder Thinking for Conservation. Conservation Biology 26: 1-4.
7. K Nowak, PC Lee. 2011. Consumption of cycads by Zanzibar red colobus. Journal of East African Natural History 100: 123-131.
6. K Nowak, PC Lee. 2011. Demographic structure of Zanzibar red colobus populations in unprotected coral rag and mangrove habitats. International Journal of Primatology 32: 24-45.
5. S Wasser, K Nowak, J Poole et al. 2010. Response—Consequences of Legal Ivory Trade. Science 328: 1634-1635. (letter)
4. S Wasser, J Poole, PC Lee et al. 2010. Elephants, Ivory, and Trade. Science 327: 1331-1332. (policy forum)
3. K Nowak, T Jones, PC Lee. 2009. Using dung bolus diameter for age estimation in an unstudied elephant population in Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Pachyderm 46: 47-52.
2. K Nowak, A Cardini, S Elton. 2008. Evolutionary acceleration and divergence in Procolobus kirkii. International Journal of Primatology 29: 1313-1339.
1. K Nowak. 2008. Frequent water drinking by Zanzibar red colobus (Procolobus kirkii) in a mangrove forest refuge. American Journal of Primatology 70: 1081-1092.
K Nowak. 2016. CITES Alone Cannot Deal with the Illegal Wildlife Trade. SAIIA Policy Insight
N Burgess, K Nowak. 2016. A Case for Conservation on a Human Scale. Solutions Journal
9. K Nowak, B Coles. 2019. Worldwide ecology of mangrove-dwelling monkeys. In Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation. Nowak K, Barnett AA, & Matsuda I (Eds.). Cambridge University Press.
8. K Nowak, F Maisels, L Baker, H Rainey. 2019. Conservation value of Africa's flooded habitats to non-human primates. In Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation. Nowak K, Barnett AA, & Matsuda I (Eds.). Cambridge University Press.
7. J Head, A Healy, K Nowak. 2019. Primates of African mangroves. In Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation. Nowak K, Barnett AA, & Matsuda I (Eds.). Cambridge University Press.
6. K Nowak, R Hill, K Wimberger, A le Roux. 2016. Risk-taking in samango monkeys at two sites in South Africa. In Primatology in the 21st Century. M Waller (Ed.). Springer.
5. RF Noss, A Dobson, R Baldwin, P Beier, CR Davis, DA Dellasala, J Francis, H Locke, K Nowak, R Lopez, C Reining, SC Trombulak, G Tabor. 2015. Bolder thinking for conservation. In Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, The Foundation for Conservation. G Wuerthner, E Crist, T Butler (Eds.). Island Press. pp. 16-20.
4. T Jones, K Nowak. 2015. Elephant Hideout: An unusual population of mountain-climbing elephants. In The Udzungwa Mountains – the Story of a Unique Rainforest in Eastern Africa. F Rovero, N Scharff, S Brogger-Jensen, F Pagh Jensen (Eds.). The Natural History Museum of Denmark. pp. 128-135.
3. C Epps, K Nowak, B Mutayoba. 2014. Unfenced reserves, unparalleled biodiversity, and a rapidly-changing landscape: roadways and wildlife in East Africa. In Ecology of Roads: A Practitioner's Guide to Impacts and Mitigation. R van der Ree, C Grilo, and D Smith (Eds.). Wiley.
2. A Dobson, K Nowak, JP Rodriguez. 2013. Conservation Biology, Discipline of. In: Levin SA (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, second edition, Volume 2, pp. 238-248. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.
1. K Nowak, PC Lee. 2013. "Specialist" primates can be flexible in response to habitat alteration. In: Marsh LK and Chapman C (Eds.) Primates in Fragments: Ecology and Conservation, Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects 49. New York, NY: Springer.
K Nowak. 2021. Erica Cirino uncovers the depths of and ways to belay humanity's plastic addiction.
H Kopnina et al. 2019. Toward an equitable future for all species. Nature Sustainability: 1-3.
K Nowak. 2016. Elephant Don: The Politics of a Pachyderm Posse by Caitlin O'Connell. The Quarterly Review of Biology 91 (1): 109.
A Dobson, K Nowak. 2010. Does this photo make my range look big? Animal Conservation 13: 347-349.
K Nowak. 2020. One Health recommendations for Yukon ENGO sector. For CPAWS Yukon.
K Nowak. 2019. Mountain goat-Klondike highway interactions in the Southern Yukon. Report for WCS Canada.
K Nowak, SA Richards, D Reid, A Jacob, G Newman, N Young, A Panikowski, R Donihue, J Nowak, A Sugimoto, J Beckmann, J Berger. 2018. Molt phenology in the mountain goat. NPS - Y2Y - WCS - The Safina Center report.
Contributor to Beyond Cecil: Let Lions Live. 2016. Panthera - WildAid - WildCRU report.
J Gwegime, M Mwangoka, E Mulungu, A Perkin, K Nowak. 2013. The biodiversity and forest condition of Ruvu South Forest Reserve. TFCG report.
J Gwegime, M Mwangoka, H Said, E Mulungu, K Nowak, N Doggart. 2013. Two surveys of the plants, birds and forest condition of Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserves in 2011-2012. TFCG report.
K Nowak, A Perkin, T Jones. 2009. Update on habitat loss and conservation status of the endangered Zanzibar red colobus on Uzi and Vundwe Islands. PCI report.
K Nowak, F Rioso Etingue. 2007. Diurnal primate surveys in the Iladyi River Valley Region, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program.
K Nowak, A Barnett, I Matsuda (Eds). 2019. Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
In prep:
M McCaw, SA Richards, D Reid, K Nowak. Mountain goats in the southern Yukon exhibit distinct temporal peaks in night time movement as revealed by camera traps.
K Nowak, C Scheijen, A Fuller, A le Roux. Shade on a hot planet: A review of shade use by wildlife.
In review
K Nowak, SA Richards, M Żmihorski, N Selva, A Wiktoruk, B Jaroszewicz. Footprint of state border barrier construction extends beyond the border: Tree damage and roadkills along a forest road in Białowieża Forest, Poland. Wildlife Biology
K Nowak, D Bear, A Dutta, M Traphagen, M Żmihorski, B Jaroszewicz. Nations versus Nature: National security interests are upending conservation efforts. Conservation Biology
34. CT Callaghan et al. The benefits of contributing to the citizen science platform iNaturalist as an identifier. PLoS Biology 20(11):e3001843. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001843
33. S Mubareka, J Amuasi, A Banerjee, H Carabin, J Copper Jack, C Jardine, B Jaroszewicz, G Keefe, J Kotwa, S Kutz, D McGregor, A Mease, L Nicholson, K Nowak, B Pickering, M Reed, J Saint-Charles, K Simonienko, T Smith, S Weese, EJ Parmley. Strengthening A One Health Approach to Emerging Zoonoses. FACETS 8: 16-79. DOI: 10.1139/facets-2021-0190
32. N Cordeiro, F Rovero, M Msuha, K Nowak, T Jones. Two ant-following bird species forage with four giant sengi Rhynchocyon species in East Africa. Biotropica
31. AS Bernstein et al. The costs and benefits of primary prevention of zoonotic pandemics. Science Advances
30. B Jaroszewicz, K Nowak, M Żmihorski. Poland's border wall threatens ancient forest. Science 374: 1063. (letter)
29. E McCullagh, F Bernardi, M Malta, K Nowak, A Marklein, K Van Horne, TL Clark, SJ Cheng, M Zaringhalam, LL Edwards. Assessing gage: an online tool for improving gender visibility in STEMM. FACETS
28. K Nowak, J Berger, A Panikowski, D Reid, A Jacob, G Newman, NE Young, JP Beckmann, SA Richards. Using community photography to investigate phenology: A case study of coat molt in the mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) with missing data. Ecology and Evolution 10: 13488-13499.
27. J Copper Jack, J Gonet, A Mease, K Nowak. Traditional Knowledge underlies One Health. Science 369: 1576. (letter)
26. A Dobson et al. Ecology and economics of pandemic prevention. Science 369: 379-381. (policy forum)
25. A le Roux, N Mathibane, K Nowak. Wild samango monkeys balance risk and opportunity to interact with novel objects in village gardens. International Journal of Primatology 40: 661-670.
24. K Nowak, PC Lee, J Marino, M Mkono, H Mumby, A Dobson, R Harvey, K Lindsay, D Lusseau, C Sillero-Zubiri, and 71 signatories. Trophy hunting: Bans create opening for change. Science 366: 434-435. (letter)
23. MTB Olsen, J Geldmann, M Harfoot, DP Tittensor, B Price, P Sinovas, K Nowak, NJ Sanders, ND Burgess. Thirty-six years of legal and illegal wildlife trade entering the USA. Oryx
22. EA McCullagh, K Nowak, A Pogoriler, JL Metcalf, M Zaringhalam, TJ Zelikova. Request a Woman Scientist: A database for diversifying the public face of science. PLOS Biology
21. N Sekar, W Clark, A Dobson, PCF Coelho, PM Hannam, R Hepworth, S Hsiang, P Kahumbu, PC Lee, K Lindsay, CL Pereira, SK Wasser, K Nowak. 2018. International ivory policy: building on evidence-driven consensus. Science 360: 276-277. (letter)
20. C Scheijen, SA Richards, J Smit, T Jones, K Nowak. 2018. Efficacy of beehive fences as barriers to African elephants: a case study in Tanzania. Oryx 53: 92-99.
19. J Smit, R Pozo, J Cusack, K Nowak, T Jones. 2017. Using camera-traps to study the demography and behavior of crop-using elephants in Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Oryx
18. K Wimberger, K Nowak, R Hill. 2017. Reliance on exotic plants by two groups of threatened samango monkeys, Cercopithecus albogularis labiatus, at their southern range limit. International Journal of Primatology 38: 151-171.
17. K Lindsay, M Chase, K Landen, K Nowak. 2017. The shared nature of Africa's elephants. Biological Conservation 215: 260-267.
16. K Nowak, K Wimberger, SA Richards, R Hill, A le Roux. 2016. Samango monkeys manage risk in a highly seasonal, human-modified landscape in Amathole Mountains, South Africa. International Journal of Primatology 38: 194-206.
15. K Nowak, SA Richards, A le Roux, R Hill. 2016. Influence of live-capture on the risk perceptions of habituated samango monkeys. Journal of Mammalogy 97: 1461-1468.
14. T David-Barrett, I Behncke Izquierdo, J Carney, K Nowak, J Launay, A Rotkirch. 2016. Life course similarities on social networking sites. Advances in Life Course Research 30: 84-89. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.alcr.2016.04.002
13. K Nowak, A le Roux, SA Richards, C Scheijen, R Hill. 2014. Human observers impact samango monkeys’ perceived landscape of fear. Behavioral Ecology 25: doi: 10.1093/beheco/aru110
12. K Nowak, PC Lee. 2013. Status of Zanzibar red colobus and Sykes' monkeys in two coastal forests in 2005. Primate Conservation 27: 65-73.
11. K Harchut, C Standley, A Dobson, B Klaassen, C Rambaud-Althaus, F Althaus, K Nowak. 2013. Over-diagnosis of malaria by microscopy in the Kilombero Valley, Southern Tanzania. Malaria Journal 12: 159.
10. T Davenport, K Nowak, A Perkin. 2013. Priority Primate Areas in Tanzania. Oryx 48: 39-51.
9. K Nowak. 2012. Mangrove and peat swamps: Refuge habitats for primates and felids. Folia Primatologica 83: 361-376.
8. N Reed, A Dobson, R Baldwin, P Beier, CR Davis, DA Dellasala, J Francis, H Locke, K Nowak, R Lopez, C Reining, SC Trombulak, G Tabor. 2012. Bolder Thinking for Conservation. Conservation Biology 26: 1-4.
7. K Nowak, PC Lee. 2011. Consumption of cycads by Zanzibar red colobus. Journal of East African Natural History 100: 123-131.
6. K Nowak, PC Lee. 2011. Demographic structure of Zanzibar red colobus populations in unprotected coral rag and mangrove habitats. International Journal of Primatology 32: 24-45.
5. S Wasser, K Nowak, J Poole et al. 2010. Response—Consequences of Legal Ivory Trade. Science 328: 1634-1635. (letter)
4. S Wasser, J Poole, PC Lee et al. 2010. Elephants, Ivory, and Trade. Science 327: 1331-1332. (policy forum)
3. K Nowak, T Jones, PC Lee. 2009. Using dung bolus diameter for age estimation in an unstudied elephant population in Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Pachyderm 46: 47-52.
2. K Nowak, A Cardini, S Elton. 2008. Evolutionary acceleration and divergence in Procolobus kirkii. International Journal of Primatology 29: 1313-1339.
1. K Nowak. 2008. Frequent water drinking by Zanzibar red colobus (Procolobus kirkii) in a mangrove forest refuge. American Journal of Primatology 70: 1081-1092.
K Nowak. 2016. CITES Alone Cannot Deal with the Illegal Wildlife Trade. SAIIA Policy Insight
N Burgess, K Nowak. 2016. A Case for Conservation on a Human Scale. Solutions Journal
9. K Nowak, B Coles. 2019. Worldwide ecology of mangrove-dwelling monkeys. In Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation. Nowak K, Barnett AA, & Matsuda I (Eds.). Cambridge University Press.
8. K Nowak, F Maisels, L Baker, H Rainey. 2019. Conservation value of Africa's flooded habitats to non-human primates. In Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation. Nowak K, Barnett AA, & Matsuda I (Eds.). Cambridge University Press.
7. J Head, A Healy, K Nowak. 2019. Primates of African mangroves. In Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation. Nowak K, Barnett AA, & Matsuda I (Eds.). Cambridge University Press.
6. K Nowak, R Hill, K Wimberger, A le Roux. 2016. Risk-taking in samango monkeys at two sites in South Africa. In Primatology in the 21st Century. M Waller (Ed.). Springer.
5. RF Noss, A Dobson, R Baldwin, P Beier, CR Davis, DA Dellasala, J Francis, H Locke, K Nowak, R Lopez, C Reining, SC Trombulak, G Tabor. 2015. Bolder thinking for conservation. In Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, The Foundation for Conservation. G Wuerthner, E Crist, T Butler (Eds.). Island Press. pp. 16-20.
4. T Jones, K Nowak. 2015. Elephant Hideout: An unusual population of mountain-climbing elephants. In The Udzungwa Mountains – the Story of a Unique Rainforest in Eastern Africa. F Rovero, N Scharff, S Brogger-Jensen, F Pagh Jensen (Eds.). The Natural History Museum of Denmark. pp. 128-135.
3. C Epps, K Nowak, B Mutayoba. 2014. Unfenced reserves, unparalleled biodiversity, and a rapidly-changing landscape: roadways and wildlife in East Africa. In Ecology of Roads: A Practitioner's Guide to Impacts and Mitigation. R van der Ree, C Grilo, and D Smith (Eds.). Wiley.
2. A Dobson, K Nowak, JP Rodriguez. 2013. Conservation Biology, Discipline of. In: Levin SA (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, second edition, Volume 2, pp. 238-248. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.
1. K Nowak, PC Lee. 2013. "Specialist" primates can be flexible in response to habitat alteration. In: Marsh LK and Chapman C (Eds.) Primates in Fragments: Ecology and Conservation, Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects 49. New York, NY: Springer.
K Nowak. 2021. Erica Cirino uncovers the depths of and ways to belay humanity's plastic addiction.
H Kopnina et al. 2019. Toward an equitable future for all species. Nature Sustainability: 1-3.
K Nowak. 2016. Elephant Don: The Politics of a Pachyderm Posse by Caitlin O'Connell. The Quarterly Review of Biology 91 (1): 109.
A Dobson, K Nowak. 2010. Does this photo make my range look big? Animal Conservation 13: 347-349.
K Nowak. 2020. One Health recommendations for Yukon ENGO sector. For CPAWS Yukon.
K Nowak. 2019. Mountain goat-Klondike highway interactions in the Southern Yukon. Report for WCS Canada.
K Nowak, SA Richards, D Reid, A Jacob, G Newman, N Young, A Panikowski, R Donihue, J Nowak, A Sugimoto, J Beckmann, J Berger. 2018. Molt phenology in the mountain goat. NPS - Y2Y - WCS - The Safina Center report.
Contributor to Beyond Cecil: Let Lions Live. 2016. Panthera - WildAid - WildCRU report.
J Gwegime, M Mwangoka, E Mulungu, A Perkin, K Nowak. 2013. The biodiversity and forest condition of Ruvu South Forest Reserve. TFCG report.
J Gwegime, M Mwangoka, H Said, E Mulungu, K Nowak, N Doggart. 2013. Two surveys of the plants, birds and forest condition of Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserves in 2011-2012. TFCG report.
K Nowak, A Perkin, T Jones. 2009. Update on habitat loss and conservation status of the endangered Zanzibar red colobus on Uzi and Vundwe Islands. PCI report.
K Nowak, F Rioso Etingue. 2007. Diurnal primate surveys in the Iladyi River Valley Region, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program.