Conservation Story Highlights

National Geographic
In the Alaska-Yukon Wilderness, Wildlife Crime Fighters Face a Daunting Task
Those whose mission is to police the far north carry a heavy burden. The high northern wilderness, still largely pristine, is one of the most ecologically intact places left on Earth. It supports large mammals and their long migrations, a healthy balance between predators and prey, a diversity of habitats, including millions of acres of climate-regulating boreal forest, and the wildlife-dependent livelihoods of northerly indigenous people.
In the Alaska-Yukon Wilderness, Wildlife Crime Fighters Face a Daunting Task
Those whose mission is to police the far north carry a heavy burden. The high northern wilderness, still largely pristine, is one of the most ecologically intact places left on Earth. It supports large mammals and their long migrations, a healthy balance between predators and prey, a diversity of habitats, including millions of acres of climate-regulating boreal forest, and the wildlife-dependent livelihoods of northerly indigenous people.
National Geographic
National Geographic
National Geographic
Blogs, Op-Eds, Commentaries
Scientific American
The Salt Lake Tribune
- Mourning a Forest Road. Against Catastrophe. June 2022
- Poland's border wall will cut Europe's oldest forest in half. The Conversation. December 2021
- Blog for Union of Concerned Scientists: Indigenous and Western Scientists and Knowledge Holders Partnering for the Public Good. April 2021
- Commentary: Mining is just one interest among many for land planning. Yukon News. December 2020
- Commentary: Trust the Public with the Public Interest. Yukon News. November 2020
- The Trump Administration is Killing Conservation Diplomacy. Earther. September 2020
- Commentary: Yukon's healthy land and forests are essential services. Yukon News. July 2020
- Conversation with Brian Kahn of Earther: How We Can Live With Wildlife After Coronavirus Passes. April 2020
- A Green Renaissance: Moving the Needle for a Gentler Society. The Revelator. April 2020
- Commentary: Giving mining companies a pass on COVID-19 restrictions means health risks the Yukon can't afford. Yukon News. March 2020
- Two-eyed seeing in the Yukon. Blog for The Safina Center. March 2020
- Climate change and crime: New pressures for Pacific walruses and Alaska Native artists. The Revelator. Sept. 2019
- Whistleblowers could help expose wildlife criminals in remote Alaska-Yukon. Guest Blog for The National Whistleblower Center. Aug. 2019
- Canada's Yukon: Packrafting for mountain goats as summers heat up. Blog for Kokopelli Packraft company. May 2019
- How to break the impasse between opposing camps in ivory trade debate. The Conversation. May 2018
- A Science Symposium For Women. Blog for The Safina Center. Apr. 2018
- Bitter Fruits. The American Scholar. Mar. 2018
- Co-existing With Giants. Blog for The Safina Center. Feb. 2018
- Letting the Foxes Protect the Hens in Ryan Zinke's Department of Interior. National Geographic Voices. Nov. 2017
- EU Fails to Lend Support to the African Elephant Coalition. National Geographic Voices. Oct. 2016
- Q&A The End of ‘Canned’ Lion Hunting May Be in Sight. National Geographic Wildlife Watch. 2016
- A Race to Save Ancient Human Secrets in Borneo. National Geographic News. 2015
- Letter to the UNGA to Recognize Conflict Ivory. National Geographic's A Voice for Elephants (AVFE). Sept. 2015
- Q&A Inside the Grim Lives of Africa’s Captive Lions. National Geographic. Jul. 2015
- South African Government Acknowledges Letter Raising Concerns Over Rhino Trade. AVFE. Jun. 2015
- Contradictory Measures to Save Two of Africa’s Iconic Pachyderms. AVFE. Mar. 2015
- P Lee, K Lindsay, K Nowak. Slick “Hunter Proud” Video Uses Bad Ecology to Promote Elephant Culling, Trophy Hunting, and Ivory Trading. AVFE. Jan. 2015
- Q&A Legalizing Rhino Horn Trade Won't Save Species, Ecologist Argues. National Geographic. Jan. 2015
- Human Females Could (Should?) Be More Like Elephant Females. AVFE. Feb. 2015
- Compiled & edited Opinion: Irrelevant, Illogical, and Illegal – 24 Experts Respond to Arguments Supporting Legalization of the Ivory Trade. AVFE. Oct. 2014
- Zambia's Hunting "Bans" - Shedding Light on a Complicated History. AVFE. Sept. 2014
- Hunters’ Demand for Elephant Trophies Should Not Take Precedence Over Government Accountability. AVFE. Aug. 2014
- Walking the international talk to help elephants. AVFE. May 2014
- Measures to curb ivory trade. The Cape Times. Mar. 2014
- Stockpiling seized ivory lends it undeserved legitimacy. The Conversation. Jan. 2014
- T Jones, K Nowak Elephant declines vastly underestimated. AVFE. Dec. 2013
- K Nowak, T Jones The future of Africa's elephants: Out with arguments old, in with choices bold. AVFE. Sept. 2013
- Earthwatch Debate, Wildlife Trade, Royal Geographical Society, Oct. 2013
- K Nowak, A Dobson, J Poole, P Granli, P Kahumbu, P Lee, W Kiiru, P Joram, C Malima, C Moss Elephants are not Diamonds. The Ecologist, Feb. 8 2013.
- K Nowak, T Jones Rebuilding a bond. Africa Geographic, Jun. 2012, p. 20-21.
- T Jones, K Nowak Mountain Elephants. Africa Geographic, May 2012, p. 22.
- Ivory Trade: Commodities, Controls and Consequences. Fair Observer Feb. 2012